Procrastination...Is it the real problem?
I have always said that I am a procrastinator. I have this thing that if I cannot get "it all" completed at once then I put it off, which in return becomes a vicious cycle.
Single mom with a farm and 7 animals as well as a small manufacturing company to run> Hmmm? Do you think my responsibility plate runneth over?
I like to think I multi-task well. Everything seems to run in a somewhat orderly fashion, however, since I also lean towards being a perfectionist, I am my worst critic. Nothing seems to ever be good enough. My boyfriend has helped me out tremendously with regards to not letting my perfectionism and procrastination turn toxic. I can only do what I can do! And as long as I know I am giving 100%, well, that has to be good enough.
I found this article on procrastination and I am hoping it will help anyone else who reads it.
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