Do you give God Glory in the presence of others?
At a skating party last night I was asked a lot of questions from someone who is known to be the "nibby" and "gossipy" type. Anyway, nothing to be ashamed about so I entertained the conversation and when I spoke of again how God is so good and we are so blessed, others around (Christian folk) were rolling their eyes. I was asked why is everything a blessing to you, why do you always have to say "Thank the Lord" I was taken back, cause these are the same people who are trying to get me to leave my church and come to theirs.
My bible tells me to...And I am nothing without Christ..Therefore all that is good is from him. GLORY! That was my answer. I know I must have had the most peculiar look on my face. DA? I still have that look on my face.
I stumbled upon this quote and felt it appropriate.
We experience many inter and intra-personal encounters every day and these
moments of interaction offer the most readily available place to live our faith.These moments, whether fleeting exchanges with strangers or enduring ones
with our families and friends, are opportunities to either bless or curse. ...
by Jerry L. Harber, D. MinI choose to BLESS!
Anyone experience these type of people?
Gosh, I can't believe I missed all the fun!
I have no idea why some Christians believe that entry to Heaven is some sort of contest. It's almost like they see Church and faith as a MLM - how many Christians you bring determines your level of sainthood.
Like I've said many times, there are sinners out there that NEED to be testified to! Why waste time singing to the choir.
Anyone (regardless of faith) who try to convert me only make me angry and pushes me further away.
I've found my salvation, my own conviction and am completely content with my own belief.
Some may think that cussing is a sin and they'll burn in hell - well they probably would. But I don't feel that way and so I probably won't. Just like the dress wearing, no makeup haircutting Bible Thumpers - if they put on a pair of jeans, they's likely burn simply because that is THEIR conviction. But it's not mine!
God loves me, has answered prayers I've prayed in the bathtub, I don't think he cares what I wear as long as I believe in him and his son!
Ok that's my rant :)
Keep the faith
Love ya
Hey, the Democratic Party has been described! (Hee hee, I couldn't resist.)
Seriously, these doom-and-gloom Christians are all too abundant where I live. During encounters with these type of people, I just stay upbeat. Amazing how easily I can annoy them with positivity. Go figure!
Hey Detroiter, I know exactly what you are talking about....Smile and push on with success and prosperity...nothing better than living well! People often think I am on anti-depressants with all the trials that come at me at once...not that anything is wrong with that, a person needs what they need, but I give it all to God...and he in return gives me PEACE!
I truly feel sorry for the doomers and gloomers..they do not know what they are missing!
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