Tuesday, March 22, 2005

To call the plumber, or not to call the plumber

Friday was a lovely day of toilet overflow at the shop. Of course none of the guys who work for me know anything about plunging a toilet let alone unclogging and/or replacing a toilet. Well I borrowed a "snake" from my mom and dad and attempted to unclog the toilet. Nope wasn't happening. Funny, a clogged toilet is kind of like life sometimes....you can only do so much plunging and it still doesn't help! We can so easily fill our days and minutes until we are ready to just explode. Sometimes our explosions can be as nasty as the toilet overflowing....anyway
After the snake didn't work, we ended up renting one of the big units for less than $40.00 and Walaa, gross, but unclogged. We went ahead and replaced the aged toilet with one that is called "Toilet Express" made by Briggs. Everything you need but the water. Pretty easy to install. In conclusion after spending $120.00 the toilet flushes fine. (if you do this yourself be sure to have air freshner close by.)

Sometimes it can be scary to jump into the unknow, but I figured we saved about $200.00. I have this big phobia about calling in "Professionals", sure, I know there is a time when you must, but it has been by experience that the Professionals charge a "professional price" for something that a person can do on there own if they just rise to the challenge. One of my employees thought it would be worth $50 to pay the plumber to come in and fix a small leak at the kitchen faucet, 30 minutes later and $125 dollars for one fitting and about 15 minutes he said "Professional Price" for something I could of done for 1 trip to the local hardware store and about a .92 fitting. Lesson learned the hard way for the pocket!.

If you have the $200.00 to spend, and you have a weak stomach, then by all means, pay the plumber.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Time for workout!

OK, Winter is almost over and like almost everyone I talk to, this winter has provided some extra pounds that we are all complaining about. I am tired of complaining. I have been trying to get myself on a treadmill every other day. Was doing great until I got sick, got out of the habit and now guess what? I am dusting the treadmill....For gracious sakes I am the only one that can do anything about it.

So....I asked my boyfriend who is very supportive of me to become my personal coach! Scary huh? We are starting tonight. Each Mon-Wed-Fri I am randomly picking from my video collection which consists of Tony Little, Denise Austin and so on. Then onto weight training for at least 30 minutes and cool down on the treadmill. Am I excited? Yes and No. I know it is what is best for me but there is something in the mind that says WORKOUT>>>YUK! I must change the way I think about it. I know that I will have better self esteem if I only change the way I think. Today is the starting point.

We are going to Vegas in May so I am using this time to chart my progress. I intend to make this change in my life a lifestyle. Time to spend with myself on myself. We should do this. It is one of the most important things. Wish me Luck!

Friday, March 04, 2005

Overextended and overwhelmed

Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them-- every day begin the task anew.

I ran across this quote today and it has really inspired me. There are so many things pulling me in so many directions that I feel as if I am waving at myself coming and going. I am so sure there are many more out there that feel this way....somehow that hasn't been comforting me lately.

The good Lord gets me through each day. He is faithfull all the way.
This winter has been tough on me. My Fibromyalgia has been at its worst and that restricts me. My small farm has been a mudpit, there are tree limbs that are 6 inches or more in diameter still lying about from the ice storm. (yippee can't wait to clean that up) The horses are filthy, my dogs are needy, and the cats are eating me out of house and home. (My daughter has inherited my nack for taking in strays.) Oh yeah, I am also working on the Post prom decorations committee and that has been consuming my time that I normally spend cleaning house and tending to the barn.....but the fact that I have been able to be creative has really pulled me out of the holdrum of winter blaaahs. I really need to remember that when I can use my creativity It gives me the power to fight depression.

There are so many things on my list of have to's, need to's and want to's that I have just crumpled them all up and decided to take each thing as it comes to me. If it HAS TO BE DONE-----then do it, If you want to do it and you can----WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? And if there is any time and/or strenght left for the need to's then work them in. Hope I can hang on to this and not delve back into my usual anal organized, overly critical self!