Monday, November 14, 2005

Saints among us can be ordinary people

I believe that there are ordinary people walking in and out of our lives as God so ordains that can be considered "saints". Especially if you are the type that often requests for God to keep you safe, give you strength, show you the right answers to difficult situations, etc. These people may be strangers or they may be relatives and friends. It seems that some people today reserve the word "saint" for only those named biblically, or within the Catholic religion, or those who are ranking in the church. We should give ourselves and others more credit and not be the judge....Only our God is the judge.

I know several people who can be quite cynical, looking for perfection, blind to the realization of what is there right at their fingertips, or in front of their eyes. You know the types that are always looking for a sign, or asking for a sign. It is hard to say, but my personal opinion is that signs are for those who lack in faith. Sure, certain signs will come your way to guide you....But some people are asking for additional signs that the signs they already have before them are real. This is the circumstance that I feel is the lack of faith.
Faith is a blind act. Faith is knowing that seeking God in every way will prevail. Even if the outcome might not be quite what we wanted or expected. Faith is not worrying and fretting.

Ok, I got a little off track, but I kind of wanted to give you the background thoughts to this post. I believe that people who strive to seek God's will daily, ask to be servants of our Lord, and those that are obedient can also be considered saints of our Lord.

Today I read a devotion that summed up what I was feeling over a personal experience I have been having with a friend. It really doesn't have anything to do with Sainthood. It is more in lines with just about everyone I know. It is also kind of humorous. Here it is and it came from a lady named Molly Wolf from "Signposts Daily Devotions"

"Not one of us fails to charge off the path and into the bramble bushes, sometimes quite frequently. Not one of us fails to get it wrong at least once a week and probably much more often than that. It was a saint who invented that lovely prayer: "God, today I have not been nasty or rude; I have not given or taken offense; I have not done wrong; I have fulfilled your will. Now, God, please be with me, because in a minute or so I'm going to have to get out of bed."

I have been praying for the anger to go away. I have already asked for forgiveness as well as forgave this person. But there is still nagging, unresolved issues in my heart. I have felt guilty over this and finally I stepped up and told Satan to back off with the guilt thing. It only causes more anger to surface. I no longer feel guilty, but the Holy Spirit is not done with this situation. I know I have to be obedient. I know that the Lord will provide the words at the right time and hopefully this person will think about what I have said. I will say it out of Love....but the person who is at the receiving end is the type I mentioned above. A person who cannot allow fault in herself. Always suggesting a reason for her reaction however bad or ugly. A person whose temper rules, whose tongue lashes out without thought or remorse. SCARY....

It is remarkable to me that I have become quite distant from this person....not entirely by choice, but I am somewhat relieved. (I truly feel the Lord has kept us both busy because I do not think I am ready for the confrontation) so, I will continue to pray the above prayer and many more and hopefully by sharing this experience with others, you will have gained a breath of fresh air from a situation you might have or might be encountering. God Bless and God give us Strength for Unconditional Love!


At 11:38 AM, Blogger ~*~*~*~*~ said...

Whew, I was a little worried for a minute till I got down to the part where you said "A person who cannot allow fault in herself" then I KNEW it wasn't me. After all my motto is "my fault" LOL

Ahhh hang in there Kim, I learned a LONG time ago that when we are angry with ourselves or a decision we've made, we tend to lash out at those we know love us unconditionally. Because when we are finished being a butt-head, we can count on that person being there and loving us anyway, in spite of how ugly we've been.

Though I will probably always be one of those people who pays close attention to "signs" I don't rely souly on them to make decisions, but darn'it it sure does make it easier when you have a paint by number guide.

Chin up -- love ya cuz

At 12:34 PM, Blogger Kim said...

G, Funny, you would not have to have read about it in my blog if it were you....You are so funny

Signs are great, aren't they? Most generally if we just pay attention we get them all the time, kind of like in the movie "Bruce Almighty" You know the truck that was full of signs saying "wrong way, Stop, dead end" and he kept saying "I need a sign". My point earlier was that it takes a great deal of faith to beable to know that the sign is not something we conjured up ourselves. I like the paint by number thing...why can't life be like that? LOL


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